Friday, January 28, 2011

7. How you came

across tumblr, and how your life has changed since joining it.

Well since this is a blogspot blog, I'll write about that.

I've known about blogspot for forever, obviously, since it's been around for forever. Before Xanga, even. I am a person of really weird loyalties, though, so I never joined, because I didn't want to betray Xanga (I do, in fact, still own and operate my Xanga from seventh grade, but it's on friends' lock, so unless you can already see it, no you cannot see it). But then my sister got a blogspot for her photography, and I decided that I liked it a lot and that I wanted a place where I could post things publicly without also giving people dangerous insight into what I was like as a thirteen-year-old (weird, so weird). And, of course, everyone was getting a blog, and I am a bandwagon jumper.

How has my life changed? Well, it hasn't really. Except I feel guilty if I don't do this 30-day challenge everyday. It's also encouraged (at least I like to think that it's had some effect) some of my other friends to get blogs, which I love! They all have much more interesting things than me to say.

I'm good about blogging on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, 'cause that's when I have this awkward two-hour gap in-between classes. And since I have a backpack now, I can actually take my laptop places with me without killing my shoulder! Huzzah!

Einstein Bro's was out of the salad I wanted, so I opted for the turkey chili. Also delicious.

This post title sounds dirty.

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