Saturday, February 12, 2011

I've been instructed

to update my blog. I don't have anything to say, though.

I've been thinking about making this blog about the new things I learn everyday, since everyone learns new things everyday, right? Thoughts? That would probably get really boring really fast, just like that stupid 30-day challenge.

Things I learned today:

Cheerwine is not all that it's cracked up to be. 

I was making a 2 A.M. run to Kroger's with Katie (shout-out!) to stock up further on my precious Coca Colas, without which I would never be able to survive college. On my way to grabbing the 20-pack of Coke, I stumbled upon the 12-pack of Cheerwine, which I had good heard good things about and which had words like "unique" and "sparkling" written on it. Needless to say, I bought it along with a 12-pack of Coke.

When I got back to my dorm, I opened the box of Cheerwines immediately. I took out a can, saw that the tab was colored maroon, and was encouraged. It seemed to be living up to its "unique" reputation quite nicely. So I opened it, took a sip, and...was disappointed. Where was the sparkle that I had been promised and had so looked forward to? Was its uniqueness based off of its boringness? Why, in hindsight, was the tab even maroon?

So many questions.

So now I am sitting here listening to Andrea Bocelli and eating the hunk of salami I also purchased at Kroger's. This is probably why I'm still single.

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